I am putting off doing my walk this morning as the temperature is 39 degrees here in Florida with a bit of a breeze, brrrrr.
I discovered that there is a Quilters' Hall of Fame and that is a picture of the house it occupies! The QHF is located in Marion, Indiana in Marie Webster's restored home. 2009 is billed as a special Triple Celebration year: 5 years since the Museum opened in the historic Marie Webster House, 30 years since the founding of The Quilters' Hall of Fame, and 150 years since the birth of Marie Webster. The site has a biography/picture of all the honorees, some names I'm sure you'll recognize.
I'm off on my chilly walk, thanks for stopping by!
{photo Quilters' Hall of Fame}
Hi Marianne,
Glady you sent the link. I found it and have it on my Google Reader.
Robin in VA
Hi Marianne, I have enjoyed browsing your blog from time to time, and especially enjoyed your post about the fairy doors! Wow, did that stir my imagination! Thank you for posting a link to The Quilters Hall of Fame on your Blog. Word of mouth is our best publicity. Please let your readers also know about our 150th Marie Webster Birthday Party as seen on our new blog http://quiltershalloffamebirthdayparty.blogspot.com/
Although stepping down after 8 years on the Board (3 as president), I still plan to stay very involved in promoting TQHF and quilt history. Good uck with all yor quilting endeavors!
Karen Alexander
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