Here's my October Schnibbles Cindy Lou Who, I call it Roo Who?. I think I need to explain. My cat's name, Cinabella, is a blend of her parents' names, Bell Hop and Cinderella. I think I've mentioned before she's a Tonkinese. Well, right after we got her somehow we started calling her a Tonker-Roo and that evolved to Roo which became her nickname and, believe it or not she responds to her name and nickname. Vets are always amazed by this fact. I think it kind of stuck cause my daughter at the time was 4 years old and goofy was in! Anyway, when people visit our house and they hear her nickname invariably they say, Roo who?

I think this guy really exemplifies what cats think of Christmas morning and all that crinkly wrapping paper.

Be sure to check out the Schnibbles Parade tomorrow on Sherri's and Sinta's blogs.

Leave a comment and I'll enter your name in the drawing for this kit to make a Christmas pillowcase, complete with instructions. There wasn't enough left of the border fabric for a pillowcase but I can throw in a fat quarter of it. And...

a box of the cutest tissues you have ever seen! Look at those cats! Would this not make the sweetest fabric? I stumbled across it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and just had to have it. The clerk looked at me strangely when I told her at checkout I was buying the tissues solely for the boxes.

And there were owls too! Although I'm more partial to the cats.

Enjoy your Halloween,
Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, and entries close midnight Nov. 2.