Etsy amazes me. The consummate creativeness of the vendors just blows me away. When I need a special gift I always check out Etsy and have not been disappointed. You can get such personalized gifts such as the clock above for a music lover.

And I love the ACEO cards available for art lovers. These are small, 2.5 by 3.5 inch, original art works. They offer a great opportunity to own art at an affordable price and look great on shelves, counters, etc. and again, make for a unigue gift.

I love this photograph. We have a cardinal that visits our laundry room window on a daily basis. He pecks at his reflection. It seems nothing will dissuade him and we've come to accept his presence. Activity increases greatly in the spring during nesting time. Then he will show up with his mate and she will sit in a nearby tree and urge him on.

Etsy is also great for jewelry. I've bought a number of items and have been very satisfied with the experience.

I'm amazed at the jewelry created from Scrabble tiles! Be sure and check out the Treasury feature on Etsy. This is a selection of favorites from different members using a theme. In Time Machine 2 you can view recently listed items. Outside of Etsy there's even a social networking site We Love Esty with more features like sellers' blogs. And lastly at Let's Ets you can do a custom Etsy search for specific categories. I love Etsy, do you?
{photo credit: designspirit, biggirl4664, ara133photography, BlackWaterSiren, HomeStudio}
Marianne, I love those earrings and the clock. Whose Etsy were they on?? I would love to check them out.
These are fabulous picks!!! Thanks so much for including my cardinal! :) They are very fun to watch, and look beautiful against the snow!
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