Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ugly Fabric

Back in April I signed up for a new project, the In the Bag - Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge over at the Colorado Lady.  Here are the condensed rules,

"You and your swap partner will swap 2 yards of ugly fabric and create a quilt using 90% of those two yards. You may add any fabrics from your stash and only add one yard of new fabrics for your quilt.

The challenge will run May 1, 2012 through October 1, 2012. "

My ugly fabric was waiting for me when I returned home and I don't think it's too bad at all.  The swapped fabric did not have to match or relate in anyway, but mine does have a garden/vegetable theme going.  I've had ideas swirling around my head all day, but don't think I'll get serious until the beginning of June.  May is just too busy with flying back to St. Louis in a week for Natalie's graduation.  There's a blog also for the participants to post progress, and the rest of the rules.  This is the first time I've entered into a challenge.  I'm hoping it kickstarts my creativity. 
Talk to you later~

1 comment:

Cherie said...

I agree the two prints at the front are fairly cute, The others now O_O.
I'll be following along to see what you decide to make...judging by the fabrics, maybe something kitchen/garden related? =D