I thought I'd share an old quilt top I bought off eBay. I don't know much about dating fabrics but I think it's from the 1940s or 50s.

It's in great shape except for a very slight musty smell. I still can't believe I paid so little for it.

Can't you just see it spread on the grass out in the country with a wicker picnic basket sitting on top?

That cute little black and white check appears in the center of all the blocks.

This is my Jelly Roll from Saturday's Jelly Roll Jubilee class at a LQS. The fabric is Oh-Cherry-Oh by Moda.

The class sample was made up in the Friendship Braid pattern from the Jelly Roll Quilts book. It was modifies to include a small inner border and that is what the yellow fabric is for; red for the outer border. It's such a sweet cheery fabric line. Thanks for stopping by!
Gosh, I just love your Ebay find! How fabulous is that!! Love the Oh Cherry Oh fabric and that will look fantastic in a braid quilt!
Yes, those pheromones will get you every time. Love your jelly roll fabrics. Can't wait to see your quilt posted.
Great score on eBay! I love the Friendship Braid pattern. Did you have any trouble with the quilt coming out square, due to all the bias edges?
I love the vintage quilt top you found on Ebay. I wondered what your plans were for it? I recently bought two quilt tops at a local antiques shop with plans to back them and give them a life since they've spent 60+ years living in a box somewhere. I bought some vintage reproduction fabrics and have then ready to machine quilt and then got cold feet about using new fabrics on old quilts. I'm about to just jump into it before I turn back. Will you also back and quilt yours or just hang onto it?
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