Friday, February 20 started out like any other day. I was particularly lazy that day and violated my routine of grocery shopping in the morning and didn't leave until just after noon. I also didn't take my MacBook Pro computer off the Family Room sofa like I usually do. I was only gone for a little shy of 1 1/2 hours. It was after I had carried all the groceries in that I noticed our sliding glass doors looked "funny". A quick glance to the sofa revealed no computer nor charger. I think this was when I began to shake. I will add what I did next only because fellow quilters will relate so well. I ran to my sewing room, which is just behind the Family Room, to make sure my Bernina was still there! The police had quite the chuckle over this detail so I tend to leave it out when my listeners are non quilters. The police "dusted" for fingerprints and it seems our crook knew to wear latex gloves. I had a borrowed PC but I'm a Mac girl and well, it just wasn't the same. Nothing was backed up, so I lost pictures and bookmarks and personal information. The sense of violation I felt afterward shocked me. After much investigation by the police, I have come to accept that it"s gone and I have a new computer now. It is different enough that some new learning needs to occur but that is good. And it has Time Machine, a built in system for backing up my computer information.
I've done quite a bit of sewing and managed to do two classes since I last posted. I will post pictures next time. Thanks for stopping by.
I was wondering where you had disappeared to. I'm sorry you had your house broken into. But at least you are safe and so is your Bernina.
Oh Marianne, how sad. :(
And it does remind up that back ups are inportant. I'm glad that you have a new computer and are back with us but I am sorry that you have lost important stuff. Did they take anything else?
I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. How scary. Thankfully no one was there when you got home. I can only imagine how you must feel. You think your home is safe. God bless you and take care.
Marianne, I am so sorry to hear about this. I can't believe the audacity of people. I have to say I hope they are able to recover your stolen property and thank goodness the burglar didn't take your Bernina. I am assuming you purchased a new Mac, because you said you have a Time Machine. We have a Mac with a Time Machine and you will love it, always backing up so you will not lose anything! I certainly hope that the police catch this person and deal with them appropriately. In the meantime, you take care and please stay safe! My thoughts are with you.
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