Isn't this a great floor? We had about a twenty minute wait at Ruby Tuesday's the other night and this was the tile in the lobby. I don't know why I've never noticed it before, maybe because we've never waited before.

This is what I've worked on yesterday and today.
I've had a basket of leftover homespun scraps in my sewing room since making this quilt. Started with this design and it got way too tedious. Those are 4 inch blocks, using 1.5 inch wide strips with a 2 inch square center.

I used up all the scraps and decided on a new arrangement along the way. I'm going to group 4 blocks together and then sash them with some muslin or another homespun, a small light blue check. I cut the remainder of the scraps into 1.5 inch squares to use as leaders and enders to make 4 patches.

While I was at it, I used up a lot of half-filled and quarter-filled bobbins of a variety of thread colors.

It got rather tiresome after awhile but I emptied a lot of bobbins! Thanks for visiting!
Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unusual places like Ruby Tuesday's. I love your leftovers and what you are doing with them. And you were thrifty too using up all your bobbin thread.
I love your quilt blocks! I have been working on something very similar. My blocks have one more "round" of strips. Apple Crisp is the name of the pattern.
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