What gives with Blogger, I continue to have problems uploading pictures. First I cannot get the popup box and then it takes for-ev-er to do its job. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Well, I got my yellow thread and finished up quilting the fabric for the main part of the bag.

And also picked up a few fat quarters of Attitude Girls. The colors are so rich, the red so luscious. I highly recommend them! I am definitely not buying any more fabric come January!

Here's the red for the gusset part of the bag. I finished quilting that today also.

I need help with this blue. It's for the handles and I cannot decide which way is the correct way, the right-side up way. The selvedge calls it a foulard, but is there a right way to it? In other words,a fleur de lis has a right way, does this foulard? What do you think is right, this way, or...

this way?

I never heard from the winner of the SMS Giveaway so another was chosen, it's
Kelly who posted at 12/02/2009 7:53 PM
Thanks again to everyone who participated. Talk to you later.
Have you uploaded to the new version of Blogger? I was having the same problems. If not, let me know and I will tell you how. They apparently changed it and I don't recall hearing about it. Another blogger read my plight and told me to check it out. Sure enough, it worked, but it is a little different to learn.
Wow! I am soo excited to win your giveaway. Thanks, Kelly
Not sure what to tell you abt blogger~ good luck! I think the bottom photo with the yellow on top is the way I'd use it... Happy stitchin'!
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