Can we talk about binding?

I had been quilting for about five years and was never satisfied with my finished binding when I happened upon a new technique.

Perfect you say? Heck, my binding was so bad, I had actual lumps where the two ends met! I was open to any suggestions.

That's when I found Nancy Johnson-Srebro's book.

This woman is a genius when it comes to binding. Her method is not complicated and she takes you through the process step by step, picture by picture. Since I bought the book in 1998 it is the only method I use and it gives you four perfect corners and a lump-free joining every time. The book is available on Amazon. I can't recommend highly enough. And no, I don't know the author!
Prior to handsewing the back, I have also found it helpful to pin the binding down and let it "set" for a day or two. This makes it easier to sew as the binding is less liable to pop open.

I ALWAYS have trouble with my binding - especially those corners. No matter what I do, the front looks fine, but it's impossible to get the backs of the corners to work correctly. I'll definitely be looking for that book! Thanks for the tip.
I like the idea of letting the binding set for a day or two. That is a great idea and I am going to try it this next time around.
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