Back in sunny Florida after spending the weekend in Marietta Georgia at the East Cobb Quilters' Guild Quilt Show. The quilts were beautiful and I took plenty of pictures.

This quilt was in a vendor's booth. It was much more eye-popping in person, all different batiks, pattern from the StrataVarious Quilts book.

There were a few One Block Wonder quilts mostly done up using very dark fabrics, I liked this one best.

This is Hyacinth Garden. One of my two favorites. Again, much brighter and prettier in person.

More pictures next time including Best of Show, thanks for dropping by.
Your photos of the quilts are to die for...thank you so much for sharing. I am realizing more and more just how traditional and somewhat conservative we are in the upper Mid-West...time to step out of our safety zone! Our own show is this coming weekend, & 2011 will be the next one...thinking I will have a new goal to strive for.
Have a great week.
Thank you for sharing these beauties with us.
There are some real beauties here. I just love them all. I am very partial to the Judy Niemeyer quilts and the Statavarious quilt too.
What gorgeous quilts! Thanks for sharing those. I love the Shakespeare in the Park one. That's a pattern on my list to do one day. Looks like a wonderful show.
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