Thursday, March 28, 2013

An Experiment

I finally finished this little quilt top I have been slowly sewing together and actually basted it today. This might seem odd, but I do the basting on my sewing room wall.  I'd rather do it on the floor but the only available floor space is right in the center of the kitchen, and that would necessitate washing the floor...
My LQS was hyping these new Pinmoors a few months ago. The idea sounds good, you just use long straight pins rather than safety pins which eliminates the closing of the pin part which always wrecks my finger. But the downside is they are expensive. Multiple packages would be necessary to do a decent-sized quilt. 
So about three-fourths of the way through safety pinning, I remember this...
I wish I could take credit for this idea but I read it on a forum somewhere. I think this product has a use in plumbing. It comes in a 20 foot long strip that is easily cut to size. I pinned the last quarter of my top using it and long straight pins. The foam is not as dense as the Pinmoors but hopefully it will stay in place during quilting.
And a closeup,
Hope it works as it's way cheaper (less than five dollars at Home Depot for a lot more product) than the Pinmoors.

I spent about an hour trying to get close to some white pelicans that arrived in our neighborhood recently.
This is a small flock of the total. It's been a real treat to see the white ones as they are rather rare. I am sure the other birds cannot wait for them to leave. I watched a great blue heron catch a fish and hurriedly swallow it while being mobbed by about twenty of these guys. Quite funny to see.
Thanks for visiting~

1 comment:

Anne at Film and Thread said...

I hope you will do a post about how the new pinning method works. I'd love to try it.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!