I wanted to update the saga of the Sandhill Crane family. One chick disappeared the day before I left for St. Louis (May 3). No surprise that the more assertive one is the one who has survived. We saw the three of them this morning and she's getting big! I had to really hustle to get this picture before they moved further into the littoral zone.

Finally saw the Arch and have the concept of it firmly planted in my brain! I should explain: For many years I simply could not conceptualize this landmark no matter what. I imagined it sort of, small. And then I heard you could go in it!? Something I might add I did not do once I took a look at those "capsules" they use to transport you to the top in. Yikes! They looked like the old Sputnik satellites with the trip taking 4 minutes! With 4 strangers no less! If you have gone to the top, please share what I missed!

Moving along... this is Saint Louis taken in front of the St. Louis Art Museum.

And a Toucan in the bird house at the St. Louis Zoo.

They had three tiger cubs about three quarters grown that were so playful.

People managed to get this giraffe over by feeding it pulled weeds. They are my personal favorite.

The Art Museum was a real shock to me. I didn't expect to see Renoir, Van Gogh, Degas, and famous pieces I had only seen prior in art books. And admission was free!

Our last stop was the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

There is an archway that makes a tunnel to walk through and is stupendous!

The same tank can be viewed as a wall in another area. It was so relaxing to just sit and watch the variety of fish, sharks, whale sharks, and sea life go by. It is pricey to get in, but so worth it I thought. I hear the crowds can be bad, but we got there a little before 2:00 on a Monday afternoon and it was very uncrowded.
I have not been in my sewing room since mid-April! I have enjoyed hanging out with my daughter and getting caught up with my reading. Tomorrow we are off to Virginia to visit friends and sightsee.
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